Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fujeirah family beach

Fujeirah Family beach is best place for camping out. it is beautyful and safe 24 hours. you will have both view, mountain and sea. we put up our tent closed to beach to hear sea noise all time. it was dark but few families were around. we have spent very lovely night.

if you go from dubai please check the map.

getting ready for night
After set up all are reluxing and enjoying cold

our team members are arranging for overnight. tents are set up food are arranged, now time to BBQ.

Beautiful view as sun is raising
Kids enjoying with lights

 Lantern lined up
Candles and torch in front of our tents

Tents were dismantled and all equipment taken back to the cars. Now time to go home after a long night outing under dark night in beach.

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